Well we left Kelley's house in Arizona City about 10 am just when we planned on leaving. There was a wind.. and some dust.. they were plowing and that didn't help. So.. we got onto the freeway.. took the next exit and got gas. We could see the wind and the dust.. coming our way. We decided to just get going. Got onto the freeway and about 2 miles down the road.. we start slowing down because of blowing dust ahead. When all of a sudden.. we were in it.. the car in front of me slammed on his breaks.. I almost rear ended him...I saw Mel coming at me..and I went towards the dotted line as much as I could .. Mel locked up the breaks on the RV and headed for the shoulder.. hoping NOT to hit the semi that was on the shoulder ahead of us. Or if anyone would have pulled to the shoulder in front of me.. Mel would have gotten them. (We are BOTH thankful that the trailer and car was NOT being pulled behind the RV or it would have made it start fishtailing.) Anyway..Mel gets over to the shoulder and I look in my mirror.. here comes a semi headed right for me! I am in the Prius.. kiss my butt good by! The second it all stopped.. we had a car slowly move in front of us.. we passed the PT Cruiser that went under the truck.. that had just passed me.. they looked hurt.. but alert.. there had to be at least 30 cars just among us that were involved in OUR side of the road.. there had to be at least 30 or so on the OTHER side in accidents.. we had a slow move out there..and it was okay to go slow.. We hit a clear spot and there was a semi and rv in the median.. and cars on the side of the road..and BOOM.. right into another thick patch of dust.. again many more vehicles.. and people out ON th road.. trying to push cars off into the median.. We got out of the dust.. and we just had wind.. we made a fast stop and saw ambulances, cops and firetrucks heading towards the dust.. WHICH we could see now coming towards us as we got back onto the freeway.There was a stretch on Hwy 10 where we could have stopped on th highway.. middle lane and got out and walked around both vehicles with NOTHING coming our way. It was erie.. we could see the dust just literally boiling and rolling. It was good to get through Tucson.. we still had wind.. but nothing like what was behind us.. fact is.. as we are coming into Tucson... traffic going west towards Phoenix.. was slowing down and coming to a stop. It was nasty.. one second different the outcome would have been so very different.. we had guarding angels surrounding us.. and in 30 seconds starting with Jesus.. I swear I thanked every person that had crossed over before us.. Mel said now he knows how they feel at Taledega in a 30 car pile up.. Me.. I only swore once.. once I started breathing again.. Jax-e, she was sitting on Mels left leg as he was driving.. He said she dug in the claws.. I bet so.. like a cat heading for a bath.. I am sure.
Anyway.. WE are ALL okay.. We thank God for our safe passage.. and tonight.. we were glad to enjoy dinner together :)
Tonight we are spending the night at DEMING New Mexico.. Just outside of Las Cruses and El Paso. We have 3 weeks to get to where we are going for Christmas.. HOPEFULLY if the weather is good.. it will be Christmas at Stacy and Virginia.

Well folks.. going to get off and watch some tv.. relax and soon.. fall asleep.
You all take care.. Keri :)
I guess the people in the PT cruiser didn't make it.. It is sad.. May they rest in peace..