For those of you who don't know where that is.. it is going east out of Boise. We stopped in Boise and we had lunch with Laralee (my Neice) and her daughter :) Athena. She is 4 months old and a very happy little girl. I had her laughing.. it was a great giggle! I was surprised she was so happy as we had woke her up. It was great seeing them. Hopefully next summer they will head up and visit.
So.. it was on the road and heading towards Twin Falls, Idaho.
So.. since we left Spokane.. we have almost had a remake of Wizard of Oz.. We had wind that was at least 20some mph with gusts almost double. And the temp was 33 degrees.. it was friggen cold! Even Jaxe was crossing legs to keep from going outside. We put on sweat shirts..and still wasn't enough. It was just plain ole' cold!
We got up this morning.. wind was still rippin through the valley.. it was refered to as cold as a well diggers backside! It was sunny.. that was the only difference. We also had a bad nasty head wind.. We got like 5.5mpg.. it was sad.. beside being cold! Hopefully we will be out of this in the next day or two. Tomorrow I think we are going to maybe stay at Miracle hot springs, maybe we'll even get a massage :) Or maybe we'll vist then head down to Jackpot Nevada for the night. We aren't in any hurry so who knows what we will do.. it is just a relaxing trip.. well suposed to be :) There s a few things we want to see on our way down to Kelley and Tammy's.. As long as we are there by Thanksgiving.
Well the movie is about over..So guess I will stop here for now.
Ya'All take care..
yay! my baby's sooo cute! :D