Well we left Pecos Texas and we made it to Abilene Texas.. We have decided that we will just stay here for a couple of days. Besides.. Mel needs to rest.. but he will swear it is because of Jaxe!
Pecos was told to expect 2-4 inches of snow tonight (Nov. 30th) and we thought that was a wee bit much and were not ready to deal with snow.. at least snow that would last for a couple days.. so coming a little further East.. at least if they get snow here.. it will be gone during the day.. it is to get up to 45 during the day.. still snow.. ugh..
Anyway it was a long day of driving.. time to rest :)
Will write more when something exciting happens..
Ya'all take care now.. ya hear..
:) Keri
Monday, November 30, 2009
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Wow... what a day.....
Well we left Kelley's house in Arizona City about 10 am just when we planned on leaving. There was a wind.. and some dust.. they were plowing and that didn't help. So.. we got onto the freeway.. took the next exit and got gas. We could see the wind and the dust.. coming our way. We decided to just get going. Got onto the freeway and about 2 miles down the road.. we start slowing down because of blowing dust ahead. When all of a sudden.. we were in it.. the car in front of me slammed on his breaks.. I almost rear ended him...I saw Mel coming at me..and I went towards the dotted line as much as I could .. Mel locked up the breaks on the RV and headed for the shoulder.. hoping NOT to hit the semi that was on the shoulder ahead of us. Or if anyone would have pulled to the shoulder in front of me.. Mel would have gotten them. (We are BOTH thankful that the trailer and car was NOT being pulled behind the RV or it would have made it start fishtailing.) Anyway..Mel gets over to the shoulder and I look in my mirror.. here comes a semi headed right for me! I am in the Prius.. kiss my butt good by! The second it all stopped.. we had a car slowly move in front of us.. we passed the PT Cruiser that went under the truck.. that had just passed me.. they looked hurt.. but alert.. there had to be at least 30 cars just among us that were involved in OUR side of the road.. there had to be at least 30 or so on the OTHER side in accidents.. we had a slow move out there..and it was okay to go slow.. We hit a clear spot and there was a semi and rv in the median.. and cars on the side of the road..and BOOM.. right into another thick patch of dust.. again many more vehicles.. and people out ON th road.. trying to push cars off into the median.. We got out of the dust.. and we just had wind.. we made a fast stop and saw ambulances, cops and firetrucks heading towards the dust.. WHICH we could see now coming towards us as we got back onto the freeway.There was a stretch on Hwy 10 where we could have stopped on th highway.. middle lane and got out and walked around both vehicles with NOTHING coming our way. It was erie.. we could see the dust just literally boiling and rolling. It was good to get through Tucson.. we still had wind.. but nothing like what was behind us.. fact is.. as we are coming into Tucson... traffic going west towards Phoenix.. was slowing down and coming to a stop. It was nasty.. one second different the outcome would have been so very different.. we had guarding angels surrounding us.. and in 30 seconds starting with Jesus.. I swear I thanked every person that had crossed over before us.. Mel said now he knows how they feel at Taledega in a 30 car pile up.. Me.. I only swore once.. once I started breathing again.. Jax-e, she was sitting on Mels left leg as he was driving.. He said she dug in the claws.. I bet so.. like a cat heading for a bath.. I am sure.
Anyway.. WE are ALL okay.. We thank God for our safe passage.. and tonight.. we were glad to enjoy dinner together :)
Tonight we are spending the night at DEMING New Mexico.. Just outside of Las Cruses and El Paso. We have 3 weeks to get to where we are going for Christmas.. HOPEFULLY if the weather is good.. it will be Christmas at Stacy and Virginia.

Well folks.. going to get off and watch some tv.. relax and soon.. fall asleep.
You all take care.. Keri :)
Friday, November 27, 2009
I am full.. I am stuffed.. I think if I thought about it long enough.. I could probably throw up.. yeah.. it was that good.. then Jason made some kind of a fondue' baked in a small pumpkin and wow that was good too! so I ate some of that. sigh.. I was doing good too.. but man I am so full.. not even able to eat sedert.. or desert.. depends if you say it the way I feel.. or the way it ought to be said.
Tomorrow we leave :( We plan on heading to Las Cruses New Mexico and spend the night.. if we don't make it, we will find a little hole in the wall some where.. Will write more later on..
You all have a super weekend..
Take care.. Keri
Tomorrow we leave :( We plan on heading to Las Cruses New Mexico and spend the night.. if we don't make it, we will find a little hole in the wall some where.. Will write more later on..
You all have a super weekend..
Take care.. Keri
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Happy Thanksgiving Day!!
I just want to wish all my family and friends just a wonderful beautiful day!! I hope it is spent remember those that have gone before us.. of their laughter we miss and the wishes everyday that we could still be making memories with them to share.. and be greatful and thankful for the memories that we are making now as each day passes. It is a day to be thanksful for all those that have touched our lives in one way or another. It is a day to shut our eyes at dinner and see those we want to surround ourselves with..
So.. here is to you all.. many more memories...may they be blessed ones!
Keri and Mel
So.. here is to you all.. many more memories...may they be blessed ones!
Keri and Mel
Monday, November 23, 2009
Arizona City.. :)
We are at Tammy and Kelleys.. it is always good to see them. Kelley has to work the next couple days and Mel and I are trying to get stuff done before we leave here and head to South Carolina (to pick up the car hauler Mel got) and then up to Yorktown Virginia. We plan to spend Christmas with son Stacy and his wife Virginia. It just all depends on the weather. If it is that bad.. we might just keep heading south. So I hope it is good for us and we can make it up there.
We plan on spending some time down in Florida.. we like it a little better because it is greener then Arizona.. I have to admit.. my allergies HATE all the dust down here. I gave Jaxe a bath.. she turned into a red mud ball.. sigh.. Now we call her little turd..
Well guess that I better work on my Christmas cards../ I brought them with me and hope to get them all done before this weekend. Friday I have to cook turkey and home made egg noodles for the kids.. So can't do it that day :)
Till later.. hugs to all and if I don't get on here in the next couple days..
hugs.. Keri
We plan on spending some time down in Florida.. we like it a little better because it is greener then Arizona.. I have to admit.. my allergies HATE all the dust down here. I gave Jaxe a bath.. she turned into a red mud ball.. sigh.. Now we call her little turd..
Well guess that I better work on my Christmas cards../ I brought them with me and hope to get them all done before this weekend. Friday I have to cook turkey and home made egg noodles for the kids.. So can't do it that day :)
Till later.. hugs to all and if I don't get on here in the next couple days..
hugs.. Keri
Saturday, November 21, 2009
we made it to Phoenix!! It is warm.. sunny.. beautiful blue sky ..
It is always good to see Kelley and Tammy,, sitting here watching "Ron White".. nasty funny guy.
will write more later..
wow not use to these sunny mornings.. only thing that is killing me is the dust.. I remembered the dust.. but forgot the smell. I wonder if people that live down here.. notice it like I do. Or if you just get use to it. Well it is warm.. so won't complain.
Kelley is fixing breakfast..yum.. it smells good.. he is making bacon. Then for dinner.. salmon with a sauce that I had in England.. the chef in England sent me the recipe for it.. Guess it takes Kelley all day to make it.. but he says it is good.. so.. :) Tonight.. we will see.
Well you all take care..
It is always good to see Kelley and Tammy,, sitting here watching "Ron White".. nasty funny guy.
will write more later..
wow not use to these sunny mornings.. only thing that is killing me is the dust.. I remembered the dust.. but forgot the smell. I wonder if people that live down here.. notice it like I do. Or if you just get use to it. Well it is warm.. so won't complain.
Kelley is fixing breakfast..yum.. it smells good.. he is making bacon. Then for dinner.. salmon with a sauce that I had in England.. the chef in England sent me the recipe for it.. Guess it takes Kelley all day to make it.. but he says it is good.. so.. :) Tonight.. we will see.
Well you all take care..
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Viva... Las Wages .. hehehehe
It is about 70 degrees out.. LOVE it.. no wind.. no cold... just traffic.. Vegas always has lots of traffic.. Tomorrow is Phoenix.. Will spend at the RV park because we need to watch Survivor! You know we can't miss our favorites :) Other then that, today coming down Hiway 318 we went through Great Basin, White River Narrows. http://www.sunsetcities.com/nevada/white-river-narrows.html It was just beautiful and I am glad we went that way and took the time to drive through there.Well onto Phoenix.. We plan to do it in a day.
talk to you all later..
me :)
talk to you all later..
me :)
Monday, November 16, 2009
In Glenn's Ferry, Idaho

For those of you who don't know where that is.. it is going east out of Boise. We stopped in Boise and we had lunch with Laralee (my Neice) and her daughter :) Athena. She is 4 months old and a very happy little girl. I had her laughing.. it was a great giggle! I was surprised she was so happy as we had woke her up. It was great seeing them. Hopefully next summer they will head up and visit.
So.. it was on the road and heading towards Twin Falls, Idaho.
So.. since we left Spokane.. we have almost had a remake of Wizard of Oz.. We had wind that was at least 20some mph with gusts almost double. And the temp was 33 degrees.. it was friggen cold! Even Jaxe was crossing legs to keep from going outside. We put on sweat shirts..and still wasn't enough. It was just plain ole' cold!
We got up this morning.. wind was still rippin through the valley.. it was refered to as cold as a well diggers backside! It was sunny.. that was the only difference. We also had a bad nasty head wind.. We got like 5.5mpg.. it was sad.. beside being cold! Hopefully we will be out of this in the next day or two. Tomorrow I think we are going to maybe stay at Miracle hot springs, maybe we'll even get a massage :) Or maybe we'll vist then head down to Jackpot Nevada for the night. We aren't in any hurry so who knows what we will do.. it is just a relaxing trip.. well suposed to be :) There s a few things we want to see on our way down to Kelley and Tammy's.. As long as we are there by Thanksgiving.
Well the movie is about over..So guess I will stop here for now.
Ya'All take care..
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Leaving tomorrow..
Well it is a good thing you all can't see me.. or my house!
The RV has been worked on lately, so all the stuff that was either out there or heading out there, sits in my kitchen..and I have a really small kitchen! Stuff that was already put away out there, is now all over on the drivers side, since they needed to get into cabnits on passenger side..allllll the way down to the back. SO.. plan is, we leave tomorrow! I can do this I tell myself. Plus.. I have to get the house into some order since I have been trying to find the things I want.. anyway it is just all a mess.. what can I say :)
I am looking so forward to seeing my son Kelley and his wife Tammy, in Arizona,Spending Thanksgiving with them (Kelley cooks.. yummmy) and going north of Phoenix to "Out of Africa" Then... heading to South Carolina to get our car hauler and up to Virginia to see my son Stacy and wife Virginia for Christmas.. with hopes of NOT getting snowed in up there! THEN..down to Florida where we plan to take some time and enjoy the weather.. and slowly make our way back to the beautiful North West.. probably going along the southern states.. into California and then up into Washington. It all sounds like a plan. Only part I really hate is leaving my 2 Siberian Huskies Molly and Charlie Brown behind :(
I will update as we get moving along. Some places I may not be able to get internet.. so always be patient..
So once again.. :) I hope you enjoy the FAY TRAVELS..
The RV has been worked on lately, so all the stuff that was either out there or heading out there, sits in my kitchen..and I have a really small kitchen! Stuff that was already put away out there, is now all over on the drivers side, since they needed to get into cabnits on passenger side..allllll the way down to the back. SO.. plan is, we leave tomorrow! I can do this I tell myself. Plus.. I have to get the house into some order since I have been trying to find the things I want.. anyway it is just all a mess.. what can I say :)
I am looking so forward to seeing my son Kelley and his wife Tammy, in Arizona,Spending Thanksgiving with them (Kelley cooks.. yummmy) and going north of Phoenix to "Out of Africa" Then... heading to South Carolina to get our car hauler and up to Virginia to see my son Stacy and wife Virginia for Christmas.. with hopes of NOT getting snowed in up there! THEN..down to Florida where we plan to take some time and enjoy the weather.. and slowly make our way back to the beautiful North West.. probably going along the southern states.. into California and then up into Washington. It all sounds like a plan. Only part I really hate is leaving my 2 Siberian Huskies Molly and Charlie Brown behind :(
I will update as we get moving along. Some places I may not be able to get internet.. so always be patient..
So once again.. :) I hope you enjoy the FAY TRAVELS..
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Trip on Coeur d'Alene Lake down to the St Joe River
they were happy to pose
Sunset on the St. Joe
Just a pretty scene with the sun on it
I have many more photos but I think these wrap it all up quite nicely. My husband and I had to go down and check a bridge's lights for the Coast Guard.. we found we had to wait for dark before they came on. By the time we got down there, (for map/chart of Coeur d' Alene, Idaho:http://www.ohranger.com/coeur-dalene-lake/map), it was almost sunset. We decided at least to go down a little ways into the river. Needless to say it was the BEST short trip ever! I couldn't believe the Eagles. And they were happy to just sit and pose for you. We saw 3 eagles, 2 Hawks and a Blue Heron. The trees were beautiful and the water clear and calm. My girlfriend was able to go with us and I got a laugh out of her excitement.. So it was worth taking her with us.. besides I enjoy being and spending time with her. It was finally dark, yet we were still on the river, my girlfriend was a little nervous but we had a GPS and night vision goggles. With the lights checked out (2 were out!) we headed back up the lake in darkness to Coeur d' Alene. In the lake we stopped and were playing with the night vision goggles.. wow you should have seen the stars and where there were no lights.. there was for a real.. a house. Anyway it was a total experience and was a blast.. worth the cold outside the cabin area! Cyn brought hot chocolate.. I had whip cream.. (where the lid came off and sprayed ALL over the inside of my bag.. luckily missing my camera and my lenses. Lucky for it! By the time we got back to the 3rd Street Dock in Coeur d' Alene.. it was cool out and the wind had come up. We had to slow down mid lake because of wind and waves.. but not that bad, we had a window wiper.
Anyway.. it was a great trip.. short and beautiful.. It is one I recommend to people when the leaves start changing. Normally we start earlier, go to St. Marys and have lunch and then head back. This time we left a tad bit late. Another great trip is in Dec. when the Eagles come back in numbers to the lake. Ahh the Beautiful area we live in!! I have done a lot of traveling.. and I am always happy to come home.. we have it ALL here.. this IS my paradise :)
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Two Weeks Left.. the count down begins..OR.."Ode to one nerve left.."
You know the saying.. I have one nerve left.. and you're on it.. well that's me and the trip is on my last nerve.. sigh.. anyone taking bets we accomplish everything and actually leave on time?
Well picture this.. a person on NyQuil who's body moves 5 feet a minute.. a brain that is going 100miles an hour and then throw in some dementia.. Oh and might as well throw in a little sleep deprivation.. HELLO :) this is me.. and this is my story..
I tell myself.. make a list.. so I make a list.. I tell myself to put it so I can find it.. and I loose it.. not misplaced.. oh no.. it is buried somewhere or the dog ate it. Speaking of the dog eating it.. this friend of ours that we will be traveling with he has a little pups.. terrier also and SCRUFFY is Jax-e's favorite playmate.. oh she can just roll him and nip at him.. well anyway.. Scruffy doesn't really chew.. but shoes and toys he LOVES to cart outside.. So running after him.. (started to block off house from kitchen!) On Monday and Wed I am watching my grand daughter Karli.. and trying to put stuff in box for RV... which is sitting on the kitchen floor.. as if my kitchen isn't small enough.. PLUS the computer at the office went out.. bought a new one for her.. but I have to transfer data (also sitting on kitchen floor) and MY lap top.. is STILL in the shop.. I think I have lost everything.. except my photos.. because they had to reformat.. Oh.. and then on Saturdays I am running out to Verna's to do ceramics that have been sitting around since she closed.. so I had a few boxes.. hehehe well once fired.. they needed to be glazed.. SOOOO it is a nice break to spend 4 hours with someone I like.. But I am tired of glazing stuff.. so I bought a horse to do.. Like I have nothing else to do.. sigh..
I would post photos on this.. but I don't put photos on Mel's computer.. hehehe Fact is I try NOT to use his computer.. I don't have what you call the magic touch with computers.. my boys will swear to that! (Thanks my little techies)
Okay.. well something is beckoning me.. maybe breakfast.. that would be good.. then onto the kitchen.. I have to break during Nascar.. they are at Talledega today.. it is a non miss race..
Will write more later...
You all have a super Saturday!!
Well picture this.. a person on NyQuil who's body moves 5 feet a minute.. a brain that is going 100miles an hour and then throw in some dementia.. Oh and might as well throw in a little sleep deprivation.. HELLO :) this is me.. and this is my story..
I tell myself.. make a list.. so I make a list.. I tell myself to put it so I can find it.. and I loose it.. not misplaced.. oh no.. it is buried somewhere or the dog ate it. Speaking of the dog eating it.. this friend of ours that we will be traveling with he has a little pups.. terrier also and SCRUFFY is Jax-e's favorite playmate.. oh she can just roll him and nip at him.. well anyway.. Scruffy doesn't really chew.. but shoes and toys he LOVES to cart outside.. So running after him.. (started to block off house from kitchen!) On Monday and Wed I am watching my grand daughter Karli.. and trying to put stuff in box for RV... which is sitting on the kitchen floor.. as if my kitchen isn't small enough.. PLUS the computer at the office went out.. bought a new one for her.. but I have to transfer data (also sitting on kitchen floor) and MY lap top.. is STILL in the shop.. I think I have lost everything.. except my photos.. because they had to reformat.. Oh.. and then on Saturdays I am running out to Verna's to do ceramics that have been sitting around since she closed.. so I had a few boxes.. hehehe well once fired.. they needed to be glazed.. SOOOO it is a nice break to spend 4 hours with someone I like.. But I am tired of glazing stuff.. so I bought a horse to do.. Like I have nothing else to do.. sigh..
I would post photos on this.. but I don't put photos on Mel's computer.. hehehe Fact is I try NOT to use his computer.. I don't have what you call the magic touch with computers.. my boys will swear to that! (Thanks my little techies)
Okay.. well something is beckoning me.. maybe breakfast.. that would be good.. then onto the kitchen.. I have to break during Nascar.. they are at Talledega today.. it is a non miss race..
Will write more later...
You all have a super Saturday!!
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