Sunday, December 6, 2009

SERAFINO'S!!!!! YES..Finally :) Atlanta.. hiss..

Well... made it down here to the restaurant. We ate.. it was still really good.. but somethings had changed and now.. Anchorage takes the #1 spot and Serafino's takes 2nd. They have down sized and moved to a smaller place. I guess that you have to do what you have to do to survive in this economy.

THEN.. we went up the highway about 15 miles to the truck stop.. wow it was small AND they were parked double so we would have gotten stuck in among the semis. Having been there.. done that.. we decided to go to this other one. We got there and there was no truck parking.. only gas pumps. So we went down the street to Walmart.. which really wasn't a Walmart but a Sams Club. They let us stay there..
If I lived in Atlanta.. I swear.. I would drink.. and I don't mean now and then.. I mean drink! The speed limit is 65.. I was almost doing 70 and they were swerving in and out.. and had to be doing 80plus! I hated it.. I feel for anyone that has to drive there! Atlanta = tranquilizers!

Anyway.. long day LOOOONG day.. BUT thank God.. through Atlanta. I thought St. Louis was bad.. hehehehe think again.. But I will STILL avoid going through St. Louis at all cost. Only if I have no other choice will I go through there.

You all have a great week.. talk to you all later..

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