This morning we left from Kings Cross rail station. For thouse of you that watch "Harry Potter" movies, that is the train station he "leaves from" to go to Hogwarts.
The train ride was just awesome! We decided after about 20 minute.. we wanted to upgrade to the first class. Which we did and actually had leg room! (I have to admit.. the women here are not shy about anything.. the big style here is thongs, and very low jeans so you can see the top of the thong.. amazing....) And it was a great train trip except for the kid that got on half way.. and he LOVED eating the sugar out of the little sugar packs! Mom let him.. she did finally stop him when he wanted to get up and stand on the table. I think that was after he cleared off like 3 tables and tore up 2 books.. his name was Brian.. I know.. I heard it enough..
When we left London this morning.. it was blue sky and beautiful.. last nights wind had stopped.
When we got to Edinburgh.. it was a repeat of yesterday.. overcast.. sprinkles and wind... They say it is remants of Hurricane Dan.. But.. it is to get better.
Tomorrow we go on a tour of "Loch Lomond, the Trossachs and Stirling Castle. It will be fun.. Monday is a holiday here.. So not sure what happens on Monday.. But I know we will probably take the bus tour of the town. It is always interesting and I hear tell the weather is supposed to be nice!
The train station at Edinburgh.. well it is busy! took up like 5 minutes for the taxi to get out of the station. And Princes Street is very VERY busy... it is the old shopping district and by the castle. Another day we will go tour that area.
Dinner well.... dinner was okay. We had Italian and for some reason.. they don't use spice very often. TV, well avid tv watchers.. would have to spend big $$$ to get a cable that had good stuff to watch..
Our room is pretty nice. I thought it was a larger bed.. but we are use to a double bed. I don't know what I would do over here if I actually had like a queen.. our last 2 hotel rooms have Kings in them.. or so I hear!
We are also planning a day trip to Paris.. I am pretty excited about that! We will be taking the Eurostar train.. it goes like 186mph.. and will take us 2 hours and 15 minutes. And.. we go through the Channel tunnel.. lunch at the Eiffel tower and a river cruise on the the Seine. So looking forward to that our last week also.
So for now.. I will stop here and will write more tomorrow or the next day after the Loch Lomond trip..
Ya all take care..
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